Monday, March 26, 2012

happy dance

I would love to put up a video of Lucy's new dance moves. They are very similar to what I would call my happy dance. It is swaying using only her arms. Although today and yesterday I did see her tap her feet a few times. This week did bring to pass moments when a happy dance would be appropriate. First and foremost, I got a teaching position at VMI. I will be teaching physics, 2 sections and their corresponding labs. It is here in Lexington, part-time and quite ideal for our current situation. 

And today Jimmy talked to the lady he will be working with in Keene. It also sounds ideal for Jimmy's interests. It is a mediation firm that deals mostly with family related cases, but has the potential to start a restorative justice program. We feel very blessed to have all of these opportunities that merit the Lucy happy dance. 

Lucy is just Lucy, which is pretty awesome. She does the happy dance everyday which means she must feel pretty blessed. She is standing unassisted more frequently and we saw her attempt a step the other day, but it was pretty unsure. Her separation anxiety is still in full force, and mostly involves me never leaving the room. She knows she has to cherish all of our time together.  

Why don't we cherish a picture or two. 

Look Ma, no hands!!

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