Sunday, April 1, 2012


Lucy is over 10 months. It is kind of ridiculous how old she is (to me at least!). She has many talents, which doesn't include walking, though from pictures you may have seen it kind of looks like she is headed in that direction. She can dance, which she did for almost every song of general conference. I may be able to get a video of that. She can clap when we say "yeah!" and now has started to wave. She can also grow teeth very rapidly. Right now she has six, with two more on the way. It kind of explains her lack of schedule lately. She can drink out of a water bottle, and get water all over herself. Basically she is awesome, and that is about all the is important.

She is also a very good hostess. Her Grandma and Grandpa Coop (and my aunt and family friend from Keene) were here this weekend, and she was thoroughly entertaining. In fact she thought it was rude that we tried to put her down for naps. It just wasn't as fun without her around.

So here are a few pictures of Lucy, working on her skills. 

And here are a few family pictures, because we haven't taken any recently. Figures that Lucy never smiles in these pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had an exciting and fun weekend and a full house. Looks like curly hair to me... right?
