Sam is almost potty trained. Should there be an exclamation point in there somewhere?! Yes, there should! I was getting pretty tired of changing two sets of diapers, one of which was always disgusting (I'm looking at you Sam ba Jam!). So we bought one large box of diapers (our cloth diapers were pretty wore and tore) and said to Sam, "this is the last box of diapers for you!!" We got to the last two diapers and I thought, "hmmm...maybe we should actually try to potty train." So thus started our journey. We did sneakily buy a few more diapers for the nighttime, and called them nighttime underwear, but for the last two days he has even declined those and has woken up in the morning dry. It is a miracle, even though it took a good two weeks before it really sunk in. A miracle because Sam is super stubborn. And there are still obstacles, but we are looking at two days dry with no accidents so I am thinking the future is bright. I was looking at Sam the other day and thought "what happened to baby Sam?! He looks so big, even though he is still wearing the clothes he wore as baby...." We are super excited for this development.
The other exciting thing is Rose is sleeping unswaddled and it is going ok... Okay, because we are still figuring it out. But again, we kind had to go all or nothing because the transition of sorta swaddled was not working for any of us. She wakes up whether she is swaddled or not and I think it frustrates her not to have her hands available. So here we are with a baby with more mobility, and potential to suck her thumb (which I think is a high probability these days...). Babies who suck their thumbs are cute...don't remind about toddlers who suck their thumbs, I just don't care right now. I love sleep!
So there is that folks -- sleeping and using the potty. Both are important life developments and therefore both are being documented.
Now if only I could find some pictures of my kids to make this post a little more entertaining.
There you go!