Monday, December 13, 2010

New perspective on finals week

Yes, it is finals week. I am the instructor so I view things a little bit differently.

Finals week is almost my favorite week of the semester.

Reason 1: Because I teach developmental algebra classes, the only students that take the final are the ones that actually passed all the tests. They are the good students. I like them.

Reason 2: I don't have to prep for my classes, besides printing off my finals.

Reason 3: I go into this week not stressing, but kind of getting excited for Christmas. It is a much smoother transition.

However, I do have a very stressed husband this time around. He is smart, believe you me, but he has never really had to study all the much to do well in his classes. Law school is a little different. It has forced him to learn how to study, and he has been doing just that all week. He made it through his first final quite well, and now he is taking his second. My job is to make good dinners and to remind him off how he will be done in a few short days.

Ohhhh finals!

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