Saturday, August 13, 2011

Old Home Day -- Nelson style

If you have ever lived in Nelson you know that the second weekend in August is a very important time of the year. It is Old Home Day. My family began going when I was pretty young. It was something in which we were very involved. The whole week before Old Home Day is full of activities. I most distinctly remember the Ham and Bean supper. I would help serve the food and sneak the delicious rolls. I am almost positive they have molasses in them. They are very tasty.

Anyways....Old Home Day is always on Saturday. There is a road race, wheelbarrow races, sac races, egg tosses, watermelon eating contests, and even a sawdust pile full of money for the young ones. It is a good ol' fashioned time. My parents love it when we are back in town to attend.

The last time I went was right before Jimmy and I were married, two years ago. Jimmy being the good fiance (almost husband) that he was, said he would run the road race with me. It is call the Nelson Marathon (it is only 2.2 miles!). Back then I was in moderately good shape, but I was happy just getting the chance to run with Jimmy. It was sweet of him to offer. It was his first road race ever. Let's just say he doesn't love running like I do. But he did it, and we finished together.

Then we participated in the other races. Jimmy and Poul dominated the wheelbarrow races, beating all the competition. It was pretty impressive. After the races, we ate chicken and corn and listened to a speaker. I don't even remember who it was, but it was good. It always feels good to be a part of small town festivity. Everyone knows everyone.

Because we were in fact in the area this year, we decided it would be a great event to take our dear little Lucy to. Plus Jimmy wanted to see if he could defend his wheelbarrow race title (although he did not go last year...). We left Friday morning to journey to my parents. It was a relatively good trip until about half way through Lucy began screaming/crying. Sometimes I can handle it, sometimes I cannot. This time I could not. This was not her normal, "I am tired" whimper, this was a very helpless "I am not comfortable" wail. And it pierced us both to the core. It begins somewhat mellow and manageable and ends in hysterical almost hyperventilating screams. I hate it. I am sure most parents have experienced these moments, so I know I am not alone.

We stopped in Keene, about 15 minutes shy of my parents' house to pick up some infant Tylenol. Again, this didn't seem to be normal crying, she seemed very uncomfortable. We stopped at a Walgreens and pulled Lucy out of the car to console her. She snuggled into my shoulder and caught her breath as we walked the Walgreens aisles.

Have I mentioned Lucy is not much of a snuggler. It is only right after is wakes up or if she is extremely tired that she will snuggle. The rest of the time she would rather be either facing outwards or laying on your legs while you play with her feet. We got out to the car and I decided it was about time for her to eat, so I began nursing her in the car. She was hungry and that gave me comfort that at least whatever was bugging her did not impede her appetite. After eating I picked her up and said something to Jimmy about not knowing what was wrong, but at least now she was smiling, because she had just eaten. It was mid sentence that I stopped and realized that my hand was wet. I looked around and saw that someone, namely my dear sweet child, has blown out her diaper. It was all up her back, and on her spiffy new pants. And after doing to some diaper control, I realized it was on me as well, very noticeable because she poops yellow and my shirt was a very light orange. Fantastic! We laughed about it, because that is all you can do, and started for my parents.

Lucy was not a very happy camper the rest of the night. We speculate a possible tooth (yes, it is very early) or maybe an ear ache. Who really knows. It is so hard to figure out what is hurting a baby when then can't talk. But she went to bed somewhat early and didn't wake up until 1:45. Unfortunately she decided to wake up every hour after that, but what can you do, but love her. I figured it would give me a good reason for not doing well in the race later on. Jimmy took her around 4:45 and I slept a little bit. Enough that I felt okay the rest of the day.

We headed to the race around 8:30 am, and were there probably much too early. In fact we realized as we approached 9:00 am that the race itself was probably too early because we were pretty much the only ones running. And by "we" I mean, Gretchen and one of her friend's Tyrel, Jimmy, Lucy (in the stroller), Geoff, me, and Peder (who wasn't even running). But a few people mingled in and the race count probably totaled about 10 or so people.

Let me tell you something about this race. I reiterate that it is only 2.2 miles, but because it is in Nelson it is not considered an easy race. The first thing you do is run up a pretty steep hill. I was quite frightened by the hill. And then at the end, there is another hill. It is not quite as steep, but it is a hill nonetheless.

So we all started the race, and I began too fast, as I have a tendency to do. When I got to the "top" my lungs were on fire, and that is when I realized just how out of shape I really was. Gretchen, my more in shape sister, passed me about half way through the course and I just kept a good meandering pace the rest of the way. Jimmy, being the fantastic husband/father that he is, decided he would run also, and this time be partnered up with Lucy. They came in first in the stroller division and really did me proud. When I went back to run with them, Jimmy said to me "we are both pretty tired." Lucy was OUT head down, mouth open, nobody touch me O-U-T. We crossed the finish line together, adding to the family memories of Old Home Day marathons.

Then the other races began. Remember, Jimmy wanted to win the wheelbarrow race. Unfortunately Poul had to work, so Peder volunteered to take his place. I watched with Lucy from the sidelines. All I saw was a blur of moving hands, and a victory jump from both Peder and Jimmy and they again smoked the competition. It was a proud day for Jimmy who also teamed up with Peder in the three-legged race and won that as well. I was proud of my family.  We knew how to represent!

And after the race we sat down for a good chicken meal with the corn (that tasted fabulous by the way...) and homemade rolls (that were somewhat stale, but still yummy). We all received ribbons for our winnings and talked about our family and what was happening next for everyone, after which several of us headed home (A.K.A my parents house). By this time Lucy had taken several short naps, but was in need of a long nap without poking interruptions.

We headed home, took showers, fed Lucy and all sort of took it easy for a while. Lucy took a good 2 hour nap, and I dozed off for a few minutes. When I woke up I realized I had burned the right side of my body, which let me tell you, it is not the first time. Don't ask, it just happens.

To finish off our Nelson visit we made ratatouille with all sorts of fresh vegetables and ate dinner with my parents and Peder. It was nice, especially because I might not see Peder for 2ish years (sad day...).

I would like to say that our drive back was peaceful, but Lucy kind of had a meltdown again. And it was very sad. But she was bathed, clothed, and fed and her dear Grandma Coop rocked her to sleep. Gosh, I am really going to miss being here with our family. And I am really becoming quite frightened by the 10+ hour trip we are making next week. Better start praying extra hard these last few days....

And that my friends, was our weekend. I will have to include some pictures, but I am too tired to find the cord right now....maybe tomorrow.

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