Saturday, October 8, 2011

A sleeping baby is that important

Tonight was the adult session of stake conference for our church. It is a time for the area leaders to share some thoughts with all in the congregations in the surrounding area. It happened to start at 7 pm, 30 minutes after Lucy's bedtime. It would have been ideal to have a babysitter, but all the law students were out of town, and all the people we know at church were at the same meeting.

So Jimmy and I devised a plan to keep Lucy on her sleeping schedule. We arrived at the church a half an hour early and planted ourselves in a room that had a speaker connected to the main microphone. We brought the music Lucy listens to, and used it to lull her to sleep on the floor with all of her normal blankets/sleeping buddies. It took her a little longer than normal, but she did in fact sleep through the whole meeting. We listened to the whole thing, uninterrupted. And it was a delightful meeting, with messages the both Jimmy and I needed.

And when the meeting ended, we put Lucy in her car seat, ran to the car, drove home, nursed her, and put her to sleep once more. It was quite flawless. It is moments like this that make me think I might be okay at this parenting thing.

In other news, Lucy has decided the last two nights that waking up at 4 am is a lot of fun....and then I am humbled again....

But today was good for several reasons. We went to Sam's club and got some good food, I went for a 3 mile run, a rarity as of late, we played outside because the weather was so nice, and I made peach sorbet, which turns out is very easy!

So life is good, even though I feel totally incompetent most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. And by waking up, I mean not just getting up to eat, but getting up to play. She wakes up to eat normally. Her smile is so mischievous at 4 am...
