Saturday, April 28, 2012

Man, that felt good.

Today I ran a half marathon. It was exhilarating. I had forgotten how much I really like to race.

It started at 7:00 am, the day was a little chilly, but perfect with respect to running. Lucy and Jimmy had determined to cheer me on at two spots along the course and at the end. I wasn't really nervous when it started, just antsy. I knew I wasn't shooting too high and I felt like my legs were ready.

The race went off, I started running, but forced myself to slow down for the first mile. If you know anything about my running style, I normally go out a little too fast and have recover for most of the race. Today I wanted to run evenly. And so I chose a few runners to follow and kept them in sight most of the race. Besides the last mile feeling like the longest mile of the race, everything else went by really quickly. The race course was beautiful, and it had rolling hills that almost did pass for elevation change. It was perfect.

My time was 1 hour 39 minutes with respect to the gun, and 1 hour 38 minutes and 55 seconds with respect to when I finally got across the starting line. I was pretty close to the front of the start, and there were only around 500 runners. The surprise of the day was that I came in 1st for my age division (20-29) 5th for women, 47th overall. I have my suspicions that the overall winning woman was in my age division, but because she won, they gave it to me. Regardless I was happy.

And then there was my cheering section. Jimmy and Lucy were fantastic. They saw me at mile 4, 10 and the finish. Lucy gave big smiles to all the runners and seemed to enjoy the event. Now for your viewing pleasure...

And I just took a nap, and Lucy is taking a nice long nap,  and I think we are going to have some really hardy vegetable soup tonight. Doesn't get any better!

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