Friday, April 6, 2012

Meltdown 2012

I am sure that Lucy has had meltdowns before, but yesterday sure was a doozy. And the funny part was it wasn't because I was leaving, or she was hurt or hungry or smelly. It was because the lady I tutor came into the house, and she was stealing her mommy away.

Literally, and I kid your not, said tutoree walks in the door, Lucy turns to see who it is and burst into hysterical tears. Jimmy had to remove her from the room, and when he walked by after her bath, he covered her face so she wouldn't see us at the kitchen table. She sobbed through her bath time, and cried while Jimmy prepared her for bed. She was miserable. And after I was finished tutoring, after she had been quiet a while she started to wail again, and I cuddled with her, sang her a song, and she drifted off to sleep again.

Is it bad that I giggled a little bit? Obviously I was sad that she was sad, but she has now completely associated the lady I tutor with trouble. I might add, she didn't take an afternoon nap, which may have heightening her emotional distress.

But today was a good day. And maybe I should write a little about other things that are going on. Though Lucy does account for most of my excitement. Let's see...

Jimmy has one week of classes left and then a week of finals. He is very excited. He is in the thick of Boy Scouts as well. He is acting as the scout master until we leave. It has been a lot of work, but it is something he enjoys.

I played volleyball yesterday. I am terrible. Just terrible. I was told that my serve is pretty good. Maybe it is because Jimmy and I try to do a few push up every night. I highly doubt that. Besides that, my skills are pretty minimal. Mostly I just run around hoping that I will hit the ball every so often. It is interesting, but really fun. The group I play with is very understanding encouraging. I think I will go back next week.

And that is us, hope you enjoyed the update.

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