Sunday, September 16, 2012


Yesterday Jimmy decided to clean out one of the closets in Lucy's room. Lucy doesn't use it, we do. It was loaded with a bunch of boxes and infant clothes and toys. The stuff we don't need out anymore.

Let me step back a few days for a minute. Jimmy started this process because he was looking for his Ipod. Earlier in the week he went through one of the boxes with books and towels and found mouse nest with a dead baby mouse inside. Yuck! I am glad he disposed of it.

Because he still had not found his Ipod, and because that closet needed to be cleaned he resumed the organization of said closet. He had gone through all of the boxes except for one that he didn't see. It was right behind a bunch of unused boxes we had saved for potential moves later on. I pointed it out to him, hoping that his blessed Ipod would be inside.  As he picked up the hidden box he said to me "would you like to see what a mouse nest looks like?" I didn't really hear him. All I really heard was me screaming like a little girl when a mouse came running out of the closet and hit me in the foot.

The mouse ran back into the closet and Jimmy yelled because he was stuck in the closet with a mouse and a heavy box. He threw down the box and went to put shoes on. Lucy and I hid in the kitchen. Gosh I am a wimp. Imagine how scared that mouse must have been.

For the next hour Jimmy cleaned out the closet and tried to catch the mouse. And he didn't catch that mouse, but he did clean out the closet. This morning we didn't see any mouse remnants like we had the day before. We hope that the mouse leaves because even though we don't love having to use traps, we really can not have them leaving their business on our counters.

And that was our weekend. We also went to Charlottsville, which is a really nice town. I got some new running socks and Jimmy got to look at some toys. Lucy got to eat rice and beans. It was an exciting trip!

And that's that.

Just a quick reader question, are the comments working okay? I changed my blog to a setting where hypothetically anyone can comment. Maybe this is just a plea to get feedback, but seriously, is it working?


  1. Did you get my last comment? I'm not much of a commenter but now you have one.

  2. It works! I'm glad I don't have to prove I'm a robot. I can hardly read those things. :)
