Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy Man

Happy birthday to this cool guy!

We have had a good day around here. Jimmy got some cool stuff this morning. An Alton Brown cookbook, which we all should agree is AWESOME. The cooking show "Good Eats" is one of my favorites. Science and food, what could be better?! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Coop.
 And he got a nice painted frame from Lucy and a season of "Falling Skies" from mommy.

Tonight we are eating ribs, his favorite. He also requested Boston cream pie. So that is what we are having after the ribs. Just so you know, from scratch pudding is amazingly delicious. Then add cake and chocolate sauce--it was a very good choice!

And in response to potential questions about the title. "Daddy man" is his title from Lucy. Well, actually she would say "daddy lady" because she doesn't understand that mommy is a lady and daddy is a man. She figures if she can call me "mommy lady" then daddy must be "daddy lady" as well. We are working on it.

Happy birthday Jimmy (daddy lady man!)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog... nice talking with Jimmy. He seemed very happy and pleased with his birthday.
    Have no seen that particular cooking program.
