Monday, September 14, 2009

New Haircut

I haven't posted in a while, or at least talked about my currently life. First and foremost I got a haircut. Yes, it is a big change, especially after having such long and heavy hair for the summer. Can you tell that I am actually very thrilled to have the weight off? I went 2 Saturdays ago, and had 10 inches chopped off, with the intention of donating it to Locks for Love. I am told it looks good, and I will just trust that my husband and family members are not lying to me ;)

Other than that, Jimmy and I are doing a lot of apartment organization. We have things under control now. We have a futon, a rocking chairs (thanks Grandma Marie) table, chairs, and lots of pictures hanging on the walls. We also have a bed, which if you are ever interested has an interesting move-in story. I want to put up some pictures of our first place together, so remind me!

School is busy. Jimmy has four night classes, and I have two relatively hard graduate classes, plus 20 hours of TAing, and research. I feel pretty busy, but not overwhelmed. We still have time to make dinner at night, and get the rest required to make it through the next day.

Which reminds me. This last Saturday we went to Costco. Some of you know I have a very deep love for this wholesale grocery heaven. We got the executive membership, had our pictures taken and we are on our way to bulk food buying for at least a year. Oh, and shopping we did! We bought probably a good month's worth, minus the milk and produce that would go bad in the meantime. We also invested in some multi-vitamins that should keep us healthy and several snack foods to keep our pallets from diminishing after our long days on campus. I am maybe a little obsessed with the place, but it really does put a smile on my face to see some of my favorite foods in great quantities, not to mention good quality.

So that is my life as it is right now. Married life is treating me well. There are always things we have to adjust to. I haven't shared a bed, well since...okay that is not a good example. Every time I go home I have to share a bed with a sibling because there are not enough rooms. But It is still an adjustment trying not to kick or knock out my husband as I inevitably flail during the night. Sorry Jimmy. I love you! But we are having so much fun. We play host and hostess every Sunday night and invite people over for food and games. We wake up and go running, which I must admit is very heroic of Jimmy since it is not his favorite thing. We make fun dinners together, and we just enjoy living in the same place and sharing all our great experiences. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

So, I guess this is a little more than a post about hair, but really I am one known to ramble a bit.....

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