Friday, July 30, 2010

Not sure

I am not sure I like this new blog background, but we will have a go at it for a while....just to see what happens. Maybe I will like it after a few weeks, or maybe I just won't care enough to change it again.

In other news, I got the job at the community college. I got a call last week from the dean and he said that he would at least offer me a class on Wednesday, so I would have a day to prepare. Turns out they still need someone for the other classes, and after talking with another high-up person, I got the position to teach those class as well. So in summary, I am teaching 2 Precalc classes and a research class. The book for the Precalc class is being sent to me in the mail, and the research class seems to be somewhat unorganized so I have some free reign on that. Hooray for having a job, hooray for us moving in just a few short weeks, and hooray for Jimmy starting law school. He is so ready!