Sunday, February 5, 2012

New things

I am not really good at doing a little blurb whenever Lucy hits another month mark. By the time I realize she is another month old she has already starting getting closer to the next month.

But to keep you updated, I am going to give you some quick facts about Lucy, regardless of the fact that she is 8 and 1/2 months and not some whole numbered month.

Lucy really loves to crawl, and especially towards paper because she really likes that too. She likes avocado and banana, and doesn't mind rice and beans if it is slightly flavored by other flavors like avocado...yes, she really loves avocado. She likes it when we sing, and even sits still during the hymns in church. That is the only time she will sit still, the rest of the time she is trying to eat the paper program.

 She sleeps through the night (which I REALLY love!), and will not deviate from her waking time. She goes to sleep at 6:30 pm and wakes up between 6:00-6:30 am. If she goes to bed later, she still wakes up at 6:00 am. We like it that she is a morning person.

She likes going for hikes, whether is be on our backs on in the stroller. We found out if you give her a stick to hold she will NOT let go. She waves it, tries to eat it, and curiously studies it, but will not let it go. She is such a curious child.

She likes to climb (on boxes). This in combination with her adequate skill of pulling herself up puts in me in a state of constant fear. She is becoming much more stable, but sometimes when she finds something on the couch she will hold it with both hands and forget she is not holding on to anything. Next thing we know she is on the ground. She also travels the entire perimeter of our living room, reaching from couch to side table to book shelf to coffee table to t.v. center and to book shelf. It is pretty amazing to watch, albeit a little nerve racking.

And I will end with her newest thing, a front tooth. We have been watching this tooth for weeks. It was on the surface of her gums for at least two weeks, just hanging out right beneath the gum line. Today when I did my daily check to see if it had come through I felt a very large sharp object in my baby's mouth. As weird as it is for me to feel, I can only imagine how she must feel. Now she can chew from both the top and bottom. All day she has been biting and grinding her teeth together (Am I the only one who hates the sound of grinding teeth?!). Now she has 3 teeth.

And that is what is new with Lucy.

Happy 8.36 months Lucy!

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