Monday, March 12, 2012

How it goes

Spring break is!

So we are back into the groove of life. I even had a the "unique" chance of talking to the insurance company without crying afterwards. I count that a victory, though they didn't help very much. Moving on...

Lucy has decided that she only wants to be held by Jimmy or me. Separation anxiety has hit with a vengeance. It is not a lot of fun, mostly because I can't leave the room without her whining or downright throwing a tantrum. I know it will pass, but seriously, I haven't been able to get anything done. In fact once Lucy went to bed, I started doing everything I wanted to do today, laundry, dishes, vacuuming the floor, etc... I kind of go crazy when I have a free minute. However, she has become a fantastic snuggler, which is something she wasn't in her younger months. Silver lining, I say. Silver lining...

In other news, daylight savings (for the first time EVER!) was a welcome blessing. Lucy slept in until 7:30 am. Yes people, this child went to bed at 7:00 pm and slept until 7:30 am.  It. Was. Awesome! In fact I was able to go for a run, and get back before she woke up. Fantastic.

I will end with a cute story about Lucy and her bestest buddy. Yesterday at Church, Lucy, who has been absolutely clingy, saw her best bud and was more excited to see her than sit with me. She started flinging her arms and panting. I put her down on the ground (we had to  go out during Sunday School -- because she was too loud) and she crawled full tilt towards her and her buddy toward her. It was a precious moment. It makes me kind of sad that they won't grow up together--But that my friends is how it goes. 


  1. I know the separation anxiety all to well. Isaac had been like that his whole life. I've become super talented at doing all the chores holding him. It's hard! Isaac is just starting to be ok on his own for a few minutes while I get dinner started. Hope lucy gets back to normal soon!

  2. Each stage comes and goes and your atitudeis to be admired.
