Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommy's day

I am so grateful for my mother, and my husband's mother. And my mother's mother, and my father's mother, and well, you get the picture. There are several mother's and "mothers" that I am honored and grateful to know.

I am also so grateful to be a mother. Lucy is a great child to mother. She makes me want to be a better mother. This week I even went to my grandmother's mother grave to show Lucy where her middle name comes from. I felt like it was a good parenting moment, considering I am not a great genealogist and it felt like I was helping Lucy (though she will not remember it) know something about her family history. I have been to that grave several times. It is on the way back from a run I used to do when I was in high school or home from college. I wanted to share a ritual I had, visiting it every once in a while to feel connected my heritage. I think that is an important part of mothering -- connecting our children to our past family members. I can see why people love family history so much. There is hope for me yet.

So happy mother's day to my mommy. And to all the other mother's to whom I am connected spiritually, emotionally and physically in the past, present and future. What would we do without you?!

Oh, and happy mother's day -- a day to celebrate talking to your missionary children. We got to talk to the above missionary Peder, and Gretchen and even Jimmy's brother Joe. We are a blessed bunch!

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