Monday, April 25, 2011

36ish weeks

I talked to my mom today. She said it was funny that Andrea and I talk about our pregnancies in terms of weeks passed rather than weeks until our due date. I guess that is the terminology these days.

I have always thought that the system they created for determining the number of weeks you are pregnant was kind of silly. If I go by the normal standard these days, which is forty weeks pregnant that makes a me pregnant for 10ish months (there has to be a better way to describe the time!). Who thought that would be a good idea? I mean seriously, I think women are pretty ready to be done at 9 months. But oh well.

I am actually hoping for right around 39 weeks... If Mini Coop comes much earlier we will have a very interesting ride up to MA. By interesting I don't mean bad, I just mean interesting and possibly very adventurous. I ramble...

Today I did A LOT of packing, and it probably wasn't a good idea. My feet swelled up like large sausages and I felt kind of sore all over. But in general I still feel great, in case you are wondering (I feel like I am always complaining these days...). I hate just sitting around and doing nothing, so I continued filling boxes and moving them around to keep our apartment somewhat livable.

We also had a painter cleaning up our bathroom (yes, our bathroom is being fixed 2 weeks before we leave), and I felt weird just sitting around doing nothing, so I decided to be really productive-looking. Along with the packing, I did three loads of laundry, marinated some lamb, wrote a bunch of thank-you cards, and made lunch for Jimmy who returned early afternoon from another final. He now only has one left!

Thankfully I had a little time to ice my feet and nap in the afternoon before I headed out the door for my night class. That is where I am students are taking their final chapter test. Yes, it is the last week of classes. I have no choice but to give them a test on the last day of class. It is the consequence of limited night class periods.

But that is a rant I have already explored, so I will end.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are still feeling all right... not great but as I would expect productive. Exciting time.
