Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby Shower

On Friday a lady from my Church threw a baby shower for me and Mini Coop. It was a delightful time. We ate, we talked and we open lots of fun gifts that will make Mini Coop a very well dressed baby. I was very appreciative and excited for this event. People from Church, Law School and work came. It was great!

In other news. Jimmy and I went to DC yesterday. We were able to drive with another group of people from church so we wouldn't have to drive ourselves. Can we say AMAZING?! Not having to drive in the traffic was wonderful. Plus the driver was a old truck driver, and I felt very safe. Jimmy and I went to the Temple feeling happy without any post-traffic grumpies. The only downside to the entire trip was the ankle swelling. My feet looked like balloons. And they still kind of look like balloons. But I can deal with it. It doesn't really hurt, unless I try to fit my feet in my normal shoes. Time to buy some flip-flops and clogs.


  1. So fun! Makes me look forward to my shower in a month!

  2. Baby showers are such happy occasions! I am glad you were able to go to the temple. We miss living so close to that temple. Good luck with your upcoming move and the baby's birth!

  3. You have really nice friends... glad they love you like I do.
