Saturday, April 16, 2011

the good with the bad...

I really don't want to complain this entire time, so I will start with complaints and end with how nice this week actually was.

First of all there are certain things a pregnant lady does not want to hear. And I quote "you look like you are about to give this your second because you look really big!" What?! Are you seriously telling me I look huge?! I am gaining the right amount of weight, and when I am measured I seem to be right on track. So no lady (who I don't know at all), I am not about to give birth, and no I am not abnormally large for this stage of pregnancy. That is just not something I want to hear especially when I still have a month to go. Just saying...

Second, the rain we have been getting these last few days have been bizarre. Today we had a hail storm that I thought might actually puncture holes in our car windshield. Thankfully it didn't what is up with this weird weather?

Third, leaks, leaks, leaks. We have a leak coming from our fan and all along the back wall in our bathroom. Until just a minute ago it was pretty steady. It has made my trips to the bathroom at night a little more adventurous. But we have a great landlord, and they told us they will have everything fixed pronto. They are going to replace pretty much everything by the mid next week. I could complain more, but honestly I think the situation is being handled better than it could have been, so I will be grateful.

And now onto the rest of the week, because in reality it hasn't been all bad. Jimmy finished classes yesterday. You would think that would be a great relief, but that just means he has finals next week, and that has made him a little more anxious than relieved. Seeing as how finals are what determine his grades I can see why. However, he is enjoying the fact that he HAS time to study because he doesn't have the classes.

I went to a conference this week sponsored by the Virginia Community College System. I thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions and the abundance of food they offered. Plus, it was all free. My school paid for all expenses minus the parking. I learned about test anxiety, the necessity of adjunct faculty, how the developmental math classes are going to change and much more. I also realized going to sessions lead by teachers is more enjoyable than sessions led by researchers. At least they know how to talk to people and make their topics interesting. My conference experiences at American Astronomical Society meetings was quite a bit different mostly because even if the title of the session seemed interesting most of the time the people were not. Don't get me wrong, I still love those conferences, but there is definitely a difference.

And our little Mini Coop is growing and moving just fine. Yes, I feel huge (though that is not necessarily what I want to hear from strangers) and I figure that is good thing. I only have about 5ish weeks left, I should feel big. My ankles are not their normal size anymore, but I can still wear my wedding ring, and my doctor said that my face still looks normal. He did say that in a week or two my face might start to swell, enough that I might look like a different person. But until that day, I will accept the state that I am in. Though, I would rather be holding Mini Coop in my arms, than have her living in rib cage kicking ferociously.

I'm glad she is an active little thing.


  1. I haven't gotten the "you're about to pop" comments yet but i'm expecting them to start any day now. And i haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for the past month at least so you've got something on me :) 5 more weeks! You can do it!!! (yes i expect the same encouragement in 6 weeks when i'm where you're at :)

  2. Thanks for the up-date and no, you do you look big (at least from the recent pictures). You will be a great mother.

  3. Ah, random strangers commenting on personal things. You don't look huge. Chances are pretty good that you and I have similarly sized bellies right at this moment and well, we all know how much longer I have to go. That would be the distinction between huge and not huge.

    Sometimes it's funny to just tell people amazing lies about your pregnancy if they're being rude. "Actually, I'm having triplets and I'm only four months along," could be a pretty good standby. Or, just saying you're not pregnant at all. Anyway. You look great. I'm sure she's just jealous that you're having a super cute baby.

  4. I think you look great! People make SO MANY dumb comments. I guess they feel the need to say something, but it usually comes out wrong! Good luck with your last month. P.S. My face did swell a little, but it was so gradual that I didn't even notice. Also, even if your wedding ring still fits now, take it off at the hospital before they pump 3 liters of water into you! :)
