Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's in the blood

Yesterday we took Lucy to her first Red Sox game. New England sports events are very serious and important things that must be introduced early in a child's development. Not only did they hand us a baseball card for our little Red Sox fan in the making, but she actually particpated in the wave. You will have to get Jimmy to tell you the story. It is one of his favorite things about yesterday's game.


The only negative aspect of the game, as far as Lucy was concerned, was that we happened to be in a row where the vendors would stop and yell. So, if she was beginning to lull off to sleep, she was suddenly awakened by "peanuts! Sport's ba..." And no, I left the 'r' off on purpose. We are in Boston. There are no 'r's here.

I don't want any peanuts!

I think it was success.

I would also like to include a picture from yesterday afternoon's festivities. All of the Cooprider children were home this weekend, including Anne. So we took a picture of all of us. It will be some time before we can do that again. Joe leaves for his mission in about a week.

I have decided I need to do a better job at telling stories, so my posts aren't always so disjuncted and random. But for now I will end with this: it is fun to be a Cooprider (and a Schillemat!).

1 comment:

  1. I have been meaning to tell you this since I first read this: I love the picture of Lucy and the caption "I don't want any peanuts!"
