Saturday, April 6, 2013

a breakthrough

I don't like ants. I don't mind if they are outside making little homes for themselves in the dirt and grass, but once they trend on my home I am just not a fan. This apartment, being slightly (more than slightly) old has some bad siding and therefore water damage and therefore ants. Two seasons ago it was the kitchen, then it was the pantry and as of late it has been the window and near the toilet in our bathroom. This latest battle has been the most frustrating. No one likes to use the bathroom next to a trail of ants. Or if you do, well I suppose that is okay. Anyways, I have tried several remedies to rid these pesky sugar ants of our bathroom.

First we used the cheapy bait traps. Nothing. Then we got some Terro traps, more expensive bait traps. We even let the ants live it up in our bathroom just to make sure they were actually taking the bait back to their nest. Then I tried cinnamon to deter their trail, and vinegar. And I even tried bleach, but that made me nervous because I am pregnant and our bathroom is not well ventilated, so I stuck with the vinegar and cinnamon.  Our bathroom looked even more dirty because of the trail of cinnamon I had created along the windows and floors. And it only seemed to confuse them, not deter them.

But today, as I was lamenting about the ants and their ability to seemingly appear out of no where I looked up, and noticed a large unsealed crack on the upper part of the window sill. So I sprayed the silly out of  that crack. And guess what?  Probably 50-100 dead ants landed on the window sill.  I realized that I had cleaned everywhere but above. Those silly ants were coming from the top of the window, through a crack and simply falling to the floor near the toilet and the window.

I felt silly, but then vindicated. Those ants have been taking over my bathroom for quite some time. Sometimes it almost made me crazy to think  that there seem to be nothing I could do to get rid of them. This little triumph has turned the whole week around.

Do you want to know about the rest of the week? Well I will give you the short version.

We had Easter, I had Monday off for Easter (VMI is too nice to their cadets!--but I am not complaining!), Jimmy studied for the MPRE (ethics portion of the bar), did his coursework, applied/followed up on jobs and basically was busy all week. I worked Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at VMI because they had to make up for the day they had missed. Jimmy took the MPRE today. We were both pretty wiped out yesterday and therefore somewhat grumpy. Today has been much better. Mostly because I figured out the ants (can you tell I am proud of myself?!)

Turn out Lucy likes to squeal (shriek) every time she is excited, and then she likes to run at you full speed in hopes that you will catch her. She did that to a 9 month old the other day. Thankfully he is tough, but it is something we have to work on before we have a newborn.

Lastly, it is beautiful today and it is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. So if we can announce another breakthrough this week I think it is the weather. We had a freak snow storm on Thursday night, but it all melted by Friday morning and now it is in the 60s. I am pretty serious about it being spring, so I hope the weather doesn't recoil back to winter. I don't know if my sanity can handle it

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your ant conquest... we have spring too. Looking forward to seeing you in a month... take care with all that ant fighting..
