Friday, May 9, 2014


Welp, I am even more behind. I guess it is hard to stay up to date when life is going on, huh?! And we are going to have a busy summer too, but I will get to that later. Let's try to fill in some blanks, shall we.

First, let's talk a little bit about Millis. Millis is a town of about 8000 people, with a brand new library, a Roche Bros, a farm, and a fantastic park yards from our house. We visit the library at least once a week. Although it is normal for us to go a couple times. Friday is the day we go for story time, but they also have story times on two other days. It is fantastic. Lucy is thoroughly enjoying the singing and reading. She even sings the songs at home. I am a big fan.

We are also super fortunate to have a park minutes (walking) from our house. We go almost every day. We had a playdate the other day and my friend commented that it was pretty much like having our own playground, like it was "Lucy's park." It is true. She knows all the slides, swings and trails. And if she doesn't want to do something one day, she knows she can come back and try some other time. Sam isn't as much of a fan of the swings as Lucy, but he will do it for a little while. And he loves being outside, so it is a win-win when we go to the park.

Right behind the park is some conservation land with some splendid walking trails. We have frequented them often. Lucy likes to point our the trail signs, reading every letter individually. I appreciate her desire to hike and read. She also loves to through rocks in the stream. She is a real outsy type of girl.

Here are some pictures of the park. We love it!


We have had some interesting encounters at the park. Most of them innocent, and no one's fault. One of them was mostly due to Lucy's inability to keep her personal life to herself, but what almost three year old does that. It occurred when we were at the park with a bunch of slightly older kids (4-5 year olds). Lucy was climbing one of the ladders and announced to a little boy "I go poo poo!" That was it. And of course that little boy thought, well this little girl goes poo in her pants, what a silly little girl. He began spreading this information to all the little kids on the play ground and pretty soon Lucy was the girl that went poo poo and no one wanted to play with her. He even asked her if she was potty trained. Lucy was confused by the question and didn't really answer, so he assumed she went in her pants. It was heart breaking. But Lucy had no idea what was going on and played merrily.
Since then I have realized when the kids her age are normally at the park and we go at those times. Not that Lucy really cares about silly little boys spreading rumors about her. And honesty I really wasn't mad at the little boy. He didn't know any better. But I totally see how bullying happens, even in its most innocent forms.
Other than that Lucy, has also tried to hold hands with almost every person she sees, and that includes a 12 year old girl who was coming back from the trail. It was awkward, but the girl was a good sport about it.  Lucy is so cute, it is hard not to at least not give her a smile.
She was scared of the slides for a little while, but got over that quickly once she realized how fast she could go. Currently she is scared of the "big girl" swings because she biffed last week and her front teeth hit her front lip. It was bloody and sad. We went home after that. Thank goodness we are so close.
The farm that is in town, Tangerini's is awesome. I kind of stalked them online, and then I made out of the way trips passed the farm just to see where it was. They opened this last week. We went and got some ice cream, looked at their plants, and fed the goats and chickens. We are doing a CSA with them this year. I went to an orientation this week. It is going to be great! My mom has done CSAs for a while and I have always wanted to part of one. The difference between ours and other CSAs is that they let you do some pick up right in the barn, but they also have a U-pick option, which allows you to go out to the fields and get some of your own produce. I am so excited to take Lucy. It will be great for her to see where the food is coming from.

Part of the reason we are doing the CSA is to compensate for my lack of gardening skills. Two years ago I gardened at my parents, but wasn't really around for the harvest. And to be honest, I don't think it did that well. This year we are putting in a few plants of our own. I've had some plants growing inside for probably a month and I started some cold season plants in a little garden we have on the side of the house. I do not expect everything to do really well, I am still really new at this, but I hoping we can get a little more experience planting and harvesting. Although I did see a woodchuck peering over our landscape the other day. That does not bode well....

So that is Millis. We love it! We are excited for the summer, although it is going to be super busy. Bring on the nice weather.

Left to blog:
Sam's sleeping update
Lucy's dancing and singing
Boston Marathon
Gretchen and Chris' wedding weekend
Lucy gets real sick...
Sam's new teeth
My new job

1 comment:

  1. You might have to go to the bottom of the list and then hit the high spots -- new job? The park sounds wonderful. Millis sounds wonderful. Go choice of towns.
