Monday, September 26, 2011

New "talents"

It is always exciting to see how Lucy develops and grows as a little person. We get excited to see her reach for things, roll, etc... But recently she has discovered, to an even more elevated state, the ability she has to yell. Before she would shriek happily when she was excited. Now she yells, and in a more continuous manner. It is not because she happy. She seems quite upset about something. It is difficult to handle.

We love her, but honestly lately I have really enjoyed her nap time. It gives my ears a chance to stop ringing. Yesterday I spent an hour (after Jimmy spent the first hour with her) of church walking around the building while she wailed at me. It was like she was telling me that she wanted to sleep, but she just couldn't commit herself to a nap.

My hypothesis is unsure, but I think it could be a combination of shots, lack of good sleep (which we tried to compensate with some rice cereal), just plain being sick, or something that we can not account for. I am rambling/whining simply because I know I am not alone and wouldn't mind a consoling opinion/advice. She really is a lovely little girl just going through a phase of aggravated yelling and tantrums. We pray it will begin to subside into a completely new phase (one of which we probably won't be able to handle either...).


  1. I wish I could help! Joseph discovered that he can have tantrums when he doesn't get his way. It's frustrating to listen to, but I think it's just part of the stage he's in now (aka toddler!) I just remind myself that he will learn to be a civilized person one day. :)

  2. Isaac started doing that and it was the beginning of the teething. I hope that's not it for you. My sister in laws best advice was to try some tylenol to see if it helps. But I feel your pain! I also head that it's fairly common for that age. Good luck. You'll be in my prayers.
