Tuesday, January 18, 2011

reactivating my physical and cooking activity

I have determine from our daughters recent activities, that she is going to be one active little girl. Let's hope that this activity translate to athletics and not mischief. One can only hope...

Maybe she has is retailiating. I have decided to get back into my physical activity groove. Holidays do such an impressive job at making me immobile. I have started doing pilates and walking everyday. It makes me feel a whole lot better. I think maybe our little Mini Coop has decided that if mommy can move more, so can she. Guess I deserve it. And honestly I would rather feel her move...it reminds me that she is there!

In other news, I made chicken parm. tonight. I was quite proud of myself. I even decided to stuff it with spinach. I feel that since more food network shows have shown up on hulu, that my cooking creativity has blossomed, or rather re-focused. It is refreshing to have the gumption to try new recipes and actually make them work.

Just thought I would share...


  1. Glad you are feeling well enough to walk and cook. That is a good sign. Really enjoy it when you blog.

  2. I loved going on walks when I was pregnant. The hard part is doing it after the baby's born! So exciting. :)
