Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Changing my mind....

I know, I change my blog outline A LOT! Truth be told, I never really like how it looks, so I experiment and find something that leaves me content for at least a month or so. Oh well....

Jimmy is BACK! He was in MA for the weekend getting ready for two interviews that he had yesterday. He said they both went well. Let's hope we hear from them soon. I am getting a little anxious about not knowing exactly where we are going to have this baby. Sending another "oh well!" out there. We will have to be patient I guess.

I haven't really talked about my classes this semester. They are going fine. Last week I went to the regional science fair with 4 of my students. It was quite an impressive site. My students did a great job! One of them even received a special award for her work in the physiology of yogic breathing. I also had the unique opportunity to judge some of the team physical science projects. I talked to students who made a customizable ankle guard, studied hypermiling, and even grew mold to model the Virginian Amtrack train system. Pretty cool stuff!

1 comment:

  1. A hand written blog seems very personal... very interesting, too. Glad Jimmy is back and the interviews went well. Waiting is not much fun but it is part of the process.
